Yesterday we launched the exhibition “Shhh…Asht Marre”, among kind friends, some of our youth and of course the artist Ema Bregu and her mentors, family and friends.
We were inspired, conversed and enjoyed each other’s company because art unites and creates synergy among people. Glad we got to know this talented and smart young lady and were able to meet her with some of our youth.
“Shhh… Asht Marre” is an allegory in an attempt to reflect every time that a girl or woman has been silenced and restrained from manifesting a thought, behavior or action because society has defined it as a shame.
A total of 25 paintings are already exhibited near the premises of H.A.N.A center to be visited every day until October 25 (included).
We thank Ema for the special time shared together and for giving us the gift of exhibiting the works of her beautiful hands and mind at H.A.N.A.