Cultural Afternoon – EU Corner; with some of the young people part of the winter school “Introduction to Politics & European Integration” we spent a fun afternoon learning about 9 member countries of the union. Part of the day program were; quizzes with curiosities from such places as Tallinn, the capital of Estonia is the country with the highest number of enterprises in Europe; In Lithuania is found the oldest Oak tree in Europe; Finland is the happiest country in the world; Denmark has the oldest flag in the world; Sweden Recycles 99% of waste; Malta, an island of only 316 km2 has 300,000 cars; In the Netherlands ?? there are more bicycles than people; The smallest city in the world is located in Belgium and has only 500 people; The first submarine was invented by an Irishman. We learned and practiced some traditional recipes from some of the places above and I try to cook them! Games, laughter, karaoke! Even so we learn about the values of Europeanism! The fence can be crossed without going outside.