This session opened by mentioning in its introduction concepts such as; electoral reform, public funds, corruption and emigration. . We talked about countries like Estonia, Lithuania and their development momentum after EU accession. But what is the European mentality and why is it important for young people to have this mentality ?!
Why is it necessary for the relevant public structures to orient young people towards professional profiles in direct proportion to the real needs of the country and their prospects for a secure future in their country ?!
When this does not happen or happens, then educated young people look out of the box!
In what way do corrupt situations or crime in the country act as stubborn barriers that hinder the progress of the country ?!
Albania registers 11’000 thefts a year and crime actually shows the situation in which a society finds itself!
Corruption in key areas of society such as justice, medicine and education, seen through the eyes of an investigative journalist.
It is said that we are attacking organized crime, while we are halfway through the construction of justice structures (half Constitutional Court, half Supreme Court, half Vetting) and without this basic condition we do not access the EU as equals.
We have spent 4 years trying but how much more will we have to spend ?!
These and other questions we addressed with the well-known Albanian journalist, Sokol Bregu.
Thus, we are advancing in our winter school program “Introduction to Politics & European Integration”.